Saturday, March 31, 2012

Week One is over - phew and almost week two....

A big welcome to anyone who is reading this, either you are also doing the challenge or family or you haven't taken your medication for the day (only joking). I do plan from today onwards I will 'blog' each day about how I am doing and feeling and will be as honest as possible (honest Donna L, I will).

Wow, week one is already over and almost week two. I have tried to be so good however I strayed for two seven days so far. As a consequence, I put on weight (WT....). Now I have to really exercise hard as well as eating better. No excuses but it was made to realise that I am an emotional eater.

One of my biggest challenges is COKE ZERO!!!!. (My name is Pauline and I am a coke zero addict). I really need to cut out the coke zero. I have cut it down to three cans a day (which is a lot) but that needs to be down to one can per day this week and really increase my water intake.

I have met and seen some wonderful, dedicated people at the gym who are doing amazing. I really admire them and it does motivate me to keep going. I don't know about other people, once I am at the gym I enjoy the exercising, it is just getting there. (I am really going to try, hand on heart).

Today I will need to do the bleep test and then a run/walk around the lake. Hopefully I will see you there.

Good luck everyone, we can do this. Make a comment if you wish (especially if you might need some support). I will write later about today (1 April) to kick off week 2. Have a great day.

(Image from: